Sunday, October 14, 2012

Nobel Peace Prize

European Union wins the 2012 Nobel peace prize? I cant even laugh at the absurdity of  this. I think the image speaks for itself.

Meanwhile, Abdul Sattar Edhi was nominated this year. I dont need to go into details of why he was more deserving of this award. His lifetime work speaks for itself. "No religion is higher than humanity," says Abdul Sattar Edhi, Pakistani Philanthropist, who has dedicated his life to Pakistanis.

Last but not least, the president of United States, Obama, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009: His contribution to the world peace, you might ask? Inherited wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and increased the number drone attacks in Pakistan (estimates by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, which has reported extensively on drone strikes, of 474 to 884 civilian deaths since 2004, including 176 children). Dont believe it? Read the article here.Yes the article is from LA Times and researchers were from Stanford and New York University.

Posted via email from DesiDiary.Com

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