Friday, April 24, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
How to clear the mess: by Imran Khan
How to Clear the Mess
Thursday, April 23, 2009
By Imran Khan
The reason why there is so much despondency in Pakistan is because
there is no road map to get out of the so-called War on Terror - a
nomenclature that even the Obama Administration has discarded as being
a negative misnomer. To cure the patient the diagnosis has to be
accurate, otherwise the wrong medicine can sometimes kill the patient.
In order to find the cure, first six myths that have been spun around
the US-led “Global War on Terror” (GWOT) have to be debunked.
Myth No. 1: This is Pakistan’s war
Since no Pakistani was involved in 9/11 and the CIA-trained Al Qaeda
was based in Afghanistan, how does it concern us? It is only when
General Musharraf buckled under US pressure and sent our troops into
Waziristan in late 2003-early 2004 that Pakistan became a war zone. It
took another three years of the Pakistan army following the same
senseless tactics as used by the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan
(aerial bombardment) plus the slaughter at Lal Masjid, for the
creation of the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). If our security
forces are being targeted today by the Taliban and their suicide
bombers, it is because they are perceived to be proxies of the US
army. Iran is ideologically opposed to both Al Qaeda and the Taliban
yet why are its security forces not attacked by terrorists? The answer
is because their President does not pretend to be a bulwark against
Islamic extremism in return for US dollars and support.
Michael Scheuer (ex-CIA officer and author of the book Imperial
Hubris), writing in The Washington Post in April 2007, cited
Musharraf’s loyalty to the US even when it went against Pakistan’s
national interests by giving two examples: the first was Musharraf
helping the US in removing a pro-Pakistan Afghan government and
replacing it with a pro-Indian one; and, the second, for sending
Pakistani troops into the tribal areas and turning the tribesmen
against the Pakistan army. To fully understand Musharraf’s treachery
against Pakistan, it is important to know that almost a 100,000 troops
were sent into the tribal areas to target around 1000 suspected
Al-Qaeda members - thus earning the enmity of at least 1.5 million
armed local tribals in the 7 tribal agencies of Pakistan.
The most shameful aspect of the lie that this is our war is that the
government keeps begging the US for more dollars stating that the war
is costing the country more than the money it is receiving from the
US. If it is our war, then fighting it should not be dependent on
funds and material flowing from the US. If it is our war, why do we
have no control over it? If it is our war, then why is the US
government asking us to do more?
Myth No. 2: This is a war against Islamic extremists รณ an ideological
war against radical Islam
Was the meteoric rise of Taliban due to their religious ideology?
Clearly not, because the Mujahideen were equally religious - Gulbadin
Hekmatyar (supported by the ISI) was considered an Islamic
fundamentalist. In fact, the reason the Taliban succeeded where the
Mujahideen warlords failed, was because they established the rule of
law - the Afghans had had enough of the power struggle between the
warlord factions that had destroyed what remained of the country’s
infrastructure and killed over 100,000 people.
If the Pushtuns of the tribal area wanted to adopt the Taliban
religious ideology then surely they would have when the latter was in
power in Afghanistan, between 1996 and 2001. Yet there was no
Talibanisation in the tribal areas. Interestingly, the only part of
Pakistan where the Taliban had an impact was in Swat where Sufi
Mohammad started the Shariat Movement. The reason was that while there
was rule of law (based on the traditional jirga system) in the tribal
areas, the people of Swat had been deprived of easy access to justice
ever since the traditional legal system premised on Qazi courts was
replaced by Pakistani laws and judicial system, first introduced in
1974. The murder rate shot up from 10 per year in 1974 to almost 700
per year by 1977, when there was an uprising against the Pakistani
justice system. The Taliban cashed in on this void of justice to rally
the poorer sections of Swat society just as they had attracted the
Afghans in a situation of political anarchy and lawlessness in
Afghanistan. It is important to make this distinction because the
strategy to bring peace must depend on knowing your enemy. Michael
Bearden, CIA station chief in Pakistan from 1986 to 1989, wrote in
Foreign Affairs magazine that the US is facing the same Pushtun
insurgency that was faced by the Soviets in Afghanistan. According to
him, as long as NATO is in Afghanistan, the Taliban will get a
constant supply of men from the 15
million Pushtun population of Afghanistan and the 25 million Pushtuns
of Pakistan. In other words, this Talibanisation is not so much
religion-driven as politically-motivated. So the solution to the
problem in the tribal belt today does not lie in religion and
“moderate” Islam but in a political settlement.
Myth No. 3: If we keep fighting the US war, the super power will bail
us out financially through aid packages.
Recently, the Government’s Adviser on Finance stated that the war on
terror has cost Pakistan $35 billion while the country has received
only $11 billion assistance from the US. I would go a step further and
say that this aid is the biggest curse for the country. Not only is it
“blood money” for our army killing our own people (there is no
precedent for this) but also nothing has destroyed the self-esteem of
this country as this one factor. Moreover, there is no end in sight as
our cowardly and compromised leadership is ordered to “do more” for
the payments made for their services. Above all, this aid and loans
are like treating cancer with disprin. It enables the government to
delay the much needed surgery of reforms (cutting expenditures and
raising revenues); and meanwhile the cancer is spreading and might
become terminal.
Myth No. 4: That the next terrorist attack on the US will come from
the tribal areas.
First, there is an assumption, based purely on conjecture, that the Al
Qaeda leadership is in the tribal areas. In fact, this leadership
could well be in the 70 % of Afghan territory that the Taliban
control. More importantly, given the growing radicalisation of the
educated Muslim youth - in major part because of the continuing US
partiality towards Israeli occupation of Palestinian land - why can it
not follow that the next terrorist attack on the US could come either
from the Middle East or from the marginalised and radicalised Muslims
of Europe, motivated by perceived injustices to Islam and the Muslim
Myth No. 5: That the ISI is playing a double game and if Pakistan did
more the war could be won.
If Talibanisation is growing in Pakistan because of the covert support
of ISI in the tribal areas, then surely the growing Taliban control
over Afghanistan (70 % of the territory) must be with NATO’s
complicity? Surely a more rational understanding would be to see that
the strategy being employed is creating hatred against the US and its
collaborators. Aerial bombardment and its devastating collateral
damage is the biggest gift the US has given to the Taliban. According
to official reports, out of the 60 drone attacks conducted between 14
January 2006-April 8 2009, only 10 were on target, killing 14 alleged
Al Qaeda. In the process almost 800 Pakistani civilians have been
killed, while many lost their homes and limbs.
Despite its military surge effort, the US will eventually pack up and
leave like the Soviets, but the “do more” mantra could end up
destroying the Pakistan army - especially the ISI which is being
targeted specifically for the mess created by the Bush Administration
in Afghanistan.
Myth No. 6: That Pakistan could be Talibanised with their version of Islam.
Both Musharraf and Zardari have contributed to this myth in order to
get US backing and dollars. Firstly there is no such precedent in the
15-hundred years of Islamic history of a theocracy like that of the
Taliban, outside of the recent Taliban period of rule in Afghanistan.
However, as mentioned earlier, the Taliban’s ascendancy in Afghanistan
was not a result of their religious ideology but their ability to
establish order and security in a war-devastated and anarchic
In Swat, the present mess has arisen because of poor governance
issues. Also, it was the manner in which the government handled the
situation - simply sending in the army rather than providing better
governance - that created space for the Taliban. Just as in
Balochistan (under Musharraf) when the army was sent in rather than
the Baloch being given their economic and provincial rights, similarly
the army in Swat aggravated the situation and the present mess was
What Pakistan has to worry about is the chaos and anarchy that are
going to stem from the radicalisation of our people because of the
failure of successive governments to govern effectively and justly.
Karen Armstrong, in her book The Battle for God, gives details of
fundamentalist movements that turned militant when they were
repressed. Ideas should be fought with counter ideas and dialogue, not
guns. Allama Iqbal was able to deal with fundamentalism through his
knowledge and intellect. The slaughter of the fundamentalists of Lal
Masjid did more to fan extremism and fanaticism than any other single
Pakistan is staring down an abyss today and needs to come up with a
sovereign nationalist policy to deal with the situation. If we keep on
following dictation from Washington, we are doomed. There are many
groups operating in the country under the label of “Taliban”. Apart
from the small core of religious extremists, the bulk of the fighting
men are Pushtun nationalists. Then there are the fighters from the old
Jihadi groups. Moreover, the Taliban are also successfully exploiting
the class tensions by appealing to the have-nots. But the most
damaging for Pakistan are those groups who are being funded primarily
from two external sources: first, by those who want to see Pakistan
become a “failed state”; and, second, by those who wish to see the US
bogged down in the Afghan quagmire.
What needs to be done: A two-pronged strategy is required - focusing
on a revised relationship with the US and a cohesive national policy
based on domestic compulsions and ground realities.
President Obama, unlike President Bush, is intelligent and has
integrity. A select delegation of local experts on the tribal area and
Afghanistan should make him understand that the current strategy is a
disaster for both Pakistan and the US; that Pakistan can no longer
commit suicide by carrying on this endless war against its own people;
that we will hold dialogue and win over the Pushtuns of the tribal
area and make them deal with the real terrorists while the Pakistan
army is gradually pulled out.
At the same time, Pakistan has to move itself to ending drone attacks
if the US is not prepared to do so. Closure of the drone base within
Pakistan is a necessary beginning as is the need to create space
between ourselves and the US, which will alter the ground environment
in favour of the Pakistani state. It will immediately get rid of the
fanaticism that creates suicide bombers as no longer will they be seen
to be on the path to martyrdom by bombing US collaborators. Within
this environment a consensual national policy to combat extremism and
militancy needs to be evolved centring on dialogue, negotiation and
assertion of the writ of the state. Where force is required the state
must rely on the paramilitary forces, not the army. Concomitantly,
Pakistan needs serious reforms. First and foremost we have to give our
people access to justice at the grassroots level - that is, revive the
village jury/Panchayat system. Only then will we rid ourselves of the
oppressive “thana-kutchery” culture which compels the poor to seek
adjudication by the feudals, tribal leaders, tumandars and now by the
Taliban also - thereby perpetuating oppression of the dispossessed,
especially women.
Second, unless we end the system of parallel education in the country
where the rich access private schools and a different examination
system while the poor at best only have access to a deprived public
school system with its outmoded syllabus and no access to employment.
That is why the marginalised future generations are condemned to go to
madrassahs which provide them with food for survival and exploit their
pent up social anger. We need to bring all our educational
institutions into the mainstream with one form of education syllabus
and examination system for all - with madrassahs also coming under the
same system even while they retain their religious education
Third, the level of governance needs to be raised through making
appointments on merit in contrast to the worst type of cronyism that
is currently on show. Alongside this, a cutting of expenditures is
required with the leadership and the elite leading by example through
adoption of an austere lifestyle. Also, instead of seeking aid and
loans to finance the luxurious lifestyle of the elite, the leadership
should pay taxes, declare its assets and bring into the country all
money kept in foreign banks abroad. All “benami” transactions, assets
and bank accounts should be declared illegal. I believe we will
suddenly discover that we are actually quite a self-sufficient
Fourth, the state has to widen its direct taxation net and cut down on
indirect taxation where the poor subsidise the rich. If corruption and
ineptitude are removed, it will be possible for the state to collect
income tax more effectively.
A crucial requirement for moving towards stability would be the
disarming of all militant groups - which will a real challenge for the
leadership but here again, the political elite can lead by example and
dismantle their show of guards and private forces.
Finally, fundamentalism should be fought intellectually with
sensitivity shown to the religious and heterogeneous roots of culture
amongst the Pakistani masses. Solutions have to be evolved from within
the nation through tolerance and understanding. Here, we must learn
from the Shah of Iran’s attempts to enforce a pseudo-Western identity
onto his people and its extreme backlash from Iranian society.
The threat of extremism is directly related to the performance of the
state and its ability to deliver justice and welfare to its people.
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Monday, April 20, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Pakistan's 3/30: Tracing Munawan Attack in Lahore
This is the weekly pager from the Center for Research and Security Studies (CRSS), Islamabad, Pakistan. CRSS believes in academic neutrality and focuses on regional and domestic issues that affect the State and Society of Pakistan. We are a non-profit organization committed to promoting critical thinking in a democratic Pakistan.
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Pakistan’s 3/30: Tracing Munawan Attack in Lahore |
What happened: Munawan police training facility is on the road to the international border between India and Paksitan and border is hardly a few kilometers away. On 30 March 2009, at 7:30 a.m. local time, nearly a dozen gunmen, some faking as police officials, attacked and took control of the training facility. The militants killed five police recruits & two trainers and injured dozens others. It took Punjab Police’s special anti-terrorist force called “Elite Force” 8 hours to recapture the school buildings. At least 3 of the militants reportedly blew themselves up while 3 others were taken into custody, one of them arrested from just outside the building when he tried to blow up an Army helicopter. Identified later as Hijratullah, he turned out to be an Afghan national from Paktika and was sent on a mission by Baitullah Mehsud’s Tehrik-e-Taliban Paksitan (TTP).
The following day, Fedayeen-e-Islam, a little-known but Taliban affiliated group, claimed responsibility. It should be noted that the same group had claimed responsibility for the bombing at the Marriott Islamabad on 20 September 2008. The same day, Baitullah Mehsud, the leader of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (formed: December 2007), called The Associated Press and Reuters to claim responsibility.
Three pronged situation building: Like many other terrorist incidents, it would be difficult to trace all the trails of the planning, execution and funding of this terrorist operation but three scenarios could be built on the basis of the publicly available information:
B. Raman, in a previous paper, raised the question of “how to make Pakistan pay a price…” made this recommendation: “Through covert action, which is deniable para-political and para-military action meant to make Pakistan’s sponsorship prohibitively costly to it. Such a covert action would be directed against the Pakistan State and society and not against terrorists.”[1] B Raman, enjoys a close and trusted association with India’s official security and intelligence apparatus.
Dr C. Raja Mohan, widely acknowledged as one of “India’s leading foreign policy analyst,” has argued that if Pakistan is “not willing or is unable to deliver an end to cross-border terrorism” then perhaps India ought to execute alternatives. On 10 December 2008, the Hindustan Times carried a column by Gurmeet Kanwal, head of the Center for Land Warfare Studies, recommending that “To achieve a lasting impact and ensure that the actual perpetrators of terrorism are targeted, it is necessary to employ covert capabilities…..” against Pakistan.[2]
Another angle: Christine Fair, Senior Political Scientist, RAND Corporation, suspected the Indian involvement in Balochistan has increased with encouragement from Kabul.[3] It is an interesting assessment as most of the militant organizations operating in Pakistan have their ideological and financial base operating from Afghanistan. |
Comments/remarks: |
[1] - last accessed on April 4, 2009.
[3] The News, April 6, 2009.
Thought Transformaion
Thought Transformation BY Adnan Gill |
Tuesday, 07 April 2009 00:00 |
1. Please don't label capitulation to the oppressors as the so-called ‘national interests'; as if allowing a state within a state merits to be called a state to begin with. Please don't take refuge behind ‘national interests' when it comes to chauvinism. Bravery doesn't mean locking women (mothers, daughters, sisters or wives) behind 7 doors. A real man gouges the eyes out of a pervert who even dares to looks at them with malice. A man of his salt defends the weak and not incarcerates them. 2. Shoot the message and not the messenger. I was hoping to see a healthy debate on the subject from highly educated and esteemed journalists, but not personal attacks on Ms. Summar. What a shame! 3. Flagrant abuse of women's rights at the hands of self-righteous Taliban isn't actually a secret in an age of camera equipped cell phones. I am old enough to remember how Taliban slowly tightened their noose around women's rights in Afghanistan. At the height of their rule, birthing mothers were allowed to die, over allowing them to be taken to hospital without a ‘mahrum'/male-escort. Others died because they were forbidden to seek medical help from male physicians. While the lady-doctors were not allowed to work altogether under the pretexts of: they can't work in the same facilities where male counterparts worked too; and allegedly, there was no money to build or run schools and hospitals, exclusively for women. Bravo, what a justice system! 4. If the video is fake, then why did ANP minister Mian Iftikhar and the Taliban spokesman Muslim Khan earlier accepted the occurrence of incident? Didn't they also allege that she was punished for illicit relationship with her father-in-law? They even had nerve to suggest, that she should have been thankful that she wasn't stoned to death. Latter on, these men first launched attacks on Ms. Summar and then started to question the authenticity of the tape. I cringe to imagine how some people could even give a second thought to their doubletalk. 5. Two wrongs don't make a right. Just because bloody and senseless war in Sawat was wrong, doesn't mean abuse of women's rights cannot be condemned either. Pacification of abuse of any sort should be condemned loudly, or it would bread even more severe abuse. 6. Can someone please enlighten me how many ANP politicians (along with their families) are currently residing in the Sawat Valley? What a brave trendsetting men they are! 7. If Talibanization is a just cause and has become all too real, then instead of going on defensive, shouldn't they accept their actions with courage? I call them to stand up and be counted for condoning Talibanization! 8. If it was my daughter, starting with the man delivering lashes, I would have put a bullet through everyone's eyes gathered there. At minimum, I would shoot her and I before becoming a spectacle for the (na-mehrum) perverts watching whole perverse episode. I can't stress enough, my disappoint with those defending the most deplorable, shameless, barbaric and un-Islamic actions of these self-righteous barbarians. |